Sunday 24 April 2011

Chronicler's diversion - Czes' new war

Last Wednesday, a month or so from his 93rd birthday Czes entered a nursing home after three recent stays in hospital. His damaged heart is slowly failing, he is losing strength and he is now unable to look after himself any more.

We almost "wrote him off" during his most recent stay in hospital, where he was struggling to breathe and in constant pain from his arthritis. His spirit seemed to be fading along with his heart, but, his family and the much-maligned NHS have again given him the care and support he needed to carry on. Now, the spirit that guided him through the stories you've read on this blog has re-kindled a little and he is adapting to life in the nursing home.

He is safe, cared for, comfortable, "likes the food" and has some Polish carers to talk to in his native language. He's now taking each day at a time, and we are just doing the same.

Czes' story is not over yet, and it will continue to be told on this blog.

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